Our Story
Founders message -
The beginning
I’m Thane, and like many of you, I once struggled with feeling weak, unmotivated, and unsure of where to start with fitness. I had never willingly exercised a day in my life, and for years, I accepted that as my reality. But one day, I hit a turning point,I was done feeling weak and decided to make a change. What followed was a journey of transformation, both physically and mentally. Today, I’m healthier, happier, and more confident than ever, and I want to help others experience that same change.
Some say that diet and protein intake account for 70% of all progress, and I couldn’t agree more. But consistently hitting your nutritional goals while eating healthy is something many people, myself included, struggle with. I wanted to bring a unique soloution to this problem and thats when I noticed something. Sweet protein powders dominated the market, leaving people who didn't like sweet flavours with no real alternatives. That’s when I saw an opportunity. With this idea as my spark, I set out to create something new, New Zealand and Australia’s first dedicated Savoury Protein powder brand. Thats where SavourySupps began
From idea to formula
IIn the beginning we spent alot of time figuring out what would be the base of our savoury protiein powder. From the start we knew we wanted to steer clear from any artificial ingredients, even if it meant a higher price tag. Our goal was to create a product that helps you hit your protein goals effortlessly while upgrading every meal with delicious flavor and added nutrients, leaving you feeling better than ever. After racking our brains for a while we eventually landed on bone broth powder. Why? Because not only did its savoury and umami flavour profile make it a perfect fit for our vision, but its also one of the most easily digestable nutrient packed proteins out there. Armed with our idea we set out to bring it to life. Making the good things in life take time, and we were no exception. However after a long process of trial and error we finally had our first samples.
The first wealth is health
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Our promise
At SavourySupps, we’re here to offer you a delicious, healthy, and convenient way to reach your protein goals and improve your health. We understand the struggle of feeling out of shape, and that’s why we’ve crafted our product with one goal in mind: to help you feel your best and experience the life changing benefits of being in shape. If even one person is positively affected by what we do, it would’ve all been worth it. We’re committed to supporting your journey toward better health, every step of the way.